Learning Adaptability Through Origami

Ariana P., a member of the Gainesville chapter, describes how her ability to adapt was crucial during a volunteering opportunity and explains how she came to understand the value of resilience through practicing origami.

Today was a day filled with resilience, adaptation, and a whole lot of creativity as we volunteered at our local nursing home. Our mission? To spread joy through the art of origami, though our plans took an unexpected turn.

Arriving at the nursing home, I was greeted by familiar faces and warm welcomes. There was an air of anticipation as we set up our station for the day's activity: making origami flowers. Little did we know, this seemingly simple task would present us with a delightful challenge.

As we began our origami workshop, it quickly became apparent that some of the residents found the intricate folds and delicate maneuvers a bit too challenging. Frustration crept in, but we refused to let it overshadow the day. Instead, we pivoted and adapted, embracing the opportunity to explore new possibilities.

Enter the origami swan.

With its elegant curves and graceful lines, the swan offered a welcome alternative to the complexity of the flower. We introduced the residents to this new pattern, guiding them through each step with patience and encouragement. Despite the initial apprehension, they dove into the challenge with newfound determination and enthusiasm.

Watching the residents tackle the origami swans was nothing short of inspiring. With each fold, they grew more confident, their faces lighting up with a sense of accomplishment. The room buzzed with laughter and conversation as we worked together, turning crisp sheets of paper into beautiful, albeit slightly unconventional, swans.

What started as a lesson in origami quickly transformed into a celebration of resilience and adaptability. Together, we embraced the unexpected twists and turns, finding joy in the process of discovery and learning. And in the end, it wasn't about the perfection of the final product, but rather the joy found in the journey of creation.

As we bid farewell to the residents, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to share this special moment with them. Today taught me that sometimes, the greatest beauty lies not in flawless execution, but in the willingness to adapt, grow, and find joy in every twist and turn along the way.


Creating Connected Communities


Breaking Down Age Barriers Through Beautiful Connections