Passion Inspired by Family

GG volunteers Mehak M. and Naznin S. share how their family experiences inspired their involvement with GlamourGals.

“I made the decision to join GlamourGals because I find it heartbreaking to see seniors isolated and alone. Seeing my grandmother having fun cooking, watching tv, and spending time with her family made me deeply aware of the emotional toll isolation takes on seniors. I believe getting to know seniors, spending time with them, and performing simple acts of kindness can make their life more enjoyable and give them a feeling of community. It's not just about changing things, it's about giving seniors a sense of worth, appreciation, and reduced loneliness. Being a part of this cause will help me improve personally and will allow me to give back to the community.” – Mehak M.

“Growing up, my grandma used to live with me and my family but when her health declined she had to move. She moved closer to my uncle across the country which meant visiting her became nearly impossible. She missed us all deeply, as we missed her. Every time I was able to visit her, she’d light up with joy and it made me feel good that I could make her happy like that. The reason that I joined GlamourGals is to extend my time and passion to those who are unable to receive any. It lifts me up to see the community doing good and my grandma has been a big inspiration throughout my journey of helping others.” – Naznin S.


Thinking Outside of the Box


Cherishing Memories from Makeovers