Spreading the Glammys Joy

Juliet H., member of the Rutgers University chapter, shares her excitement for GlamourGals’ upcoming annual Glammys ceremony and her plans to share the experience with her Mama.

I am so excited to attend this event! This will be my first time attending, and I can't wait to meet more GG volunteers and alumni. I will be bringing my Mama, as she's always been my biggest supporter, especially when it comes to running our Rutgers chapter. We have a running joke with our club, and call her "THE OG GlamourGal". She is so excited to come with. I can see how healing it is for her to be surrounded with empowering women- even if we are a younger generation. It never ceases to amaze me how GlamourGals has the ability to touch and impact so many people- over something that seems as simple as nails. I will forever be grateful for the effect GG has had on my life.


ACIT Students Bring Some Glamour to Seniors Residing at Seashore Gardens


Making an Impact and Building Connections