A Special Moment with a Senior

President Eliana Z. recalls a special experience she had at a makeover hosted by the Hofstra University Chapter.

“Earlier this year, a small group of volunteers from the Hofstra GlamourGals Chapter visited a nursing home in our community. We brought coloring books and bracelet making kits to give the seniors a fun afternoon! We chatted, made jewelry, and colored with the seniors. It was such a great time and so meaningful to see how happy we made the seniors. I had a particularly special moment with one of the seniors named Tuck. His excitement to see us that day made me emotional. He was nonverbal, but I could tell just from the bright smile on his face that he was filled with joy, especially when I made him a bracelet with his name on it. It truly made my week! It is so special to feel that we’re making a positive difference in the everyday lives of these seniors. I’ll truly never forget that moment.”


GlamourGals Featured on WNBC- Providing Manicures to CBN Seniors for their Senior Prom


GlamourGals on The Kelly Clarkson Show