Finding Happiness in Helping Others

Nana of New World High School Chapter reflects on her first GlamourGals event.

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A GlamourGals experience that impacted my life was my very first GG event. I did not know what GlamourGals was, but when I saw my peers volunteering and returning back to school so content, I decided I would sign up. My teacher who looked over our chapter was always very welcoming, making my experience even more special. Everybody was like family and wanted the best for each other. As soon as we entered the premises, the seniors were so happy to see us. The smiles on their faces made me so happy. I love to care for and help others when I can. All the seniors were so sweet and nice. We had a very fun time as we painted their nails, did their makeup, and played card games. It was an experience that I will never forget. After that day, I made a promise to myself to always be kind and sweet to people if they need my help because you never know what people are going through behind their smiles.


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